
Project Information

Project title
¨  Team Teen Challenge 2011

Team Member List
¨  IVE IT for Multimedia Design 41328 3B
¨  Tong Kam Pui (Leader)
¨  Liu Hin Ting
¨  Yim Kon Hin
¨  Leung King Man
¨  Lee Kam Hung

Brief description on your project
¨  Cooperation whit the Boy’s and Girl’s Club Association
¨  Project of each name:
¨  Web & FTP Server
¨  Poster & Banner
¨  Christmas e-card
¨  Web pages & Web CMS system

Brief description on your project
¨  Flash Game for activities
¨  Knowledge & Q&A Scene
¨  Tenth anniversary of the series:
¤  Understanding Old Volunteer
¤  Memorial Album

Target Audience
¨  Activities name: Team Teen Challenge 2011
¨  Target audience age: 15 – 20years old (Youth)
¨  Activities background: hiking and outdoor games, orienteering, team tasks, cycling city orienteering, canoeing, abseiling
¨  Activity participation roles: Participant, Volunteer, Tutor of Center

Platforms and Technologies
¨  Server is used Unix OS
¨  Other software used Windows and Mac OS
¨  Adobe illustrator CS4 create the vector shape
¨  Adobe Photoshop CS4 edit the photo
¨  Adobe Fireworks CS4 create and slice the web layout to Dreamweaver
¨  Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 create the web pages, PHP web program language, building the CMS
¨  Adobe Flash CS4 Professional create the flash game, use the actionscript2.0&3.0
¨  In the web pages Database, we use MySQL store the data

¨  Wed 1/9/10 to Sun 31/10/10
¤  Reference research
¨  Wed 1/9/10 to Sun 31/10/10
¤  Collect the information
¨  Wed 1/9/10 to Sun 17/10/10
¤  Server Building
¨  Sat 25/9/10 to Sun 14/11/10
¤  Create Poster
¨  Mon 15/11/10 to Sun 19/12/10
¤  Create Banner
¨  Fri 1/10/10 to Sun 12/12/10
¤  E-Card
¨  Mon 1/11/10 to Thu 3/2/11
¤  Build Web site
¨  Mon 20/12/10 to Mon 28/2/11
¤  Build Web Manage System
¨  Sat 1/1/11 to Mon 7/3/11
¤  Q&A and Knowledge Scene
¨  Thu 20/1/11 to Sun 3/4/11
¤  Activities game design
¨  Sun 3/4/11 to Sun 1/5/11
¤  Volunteer Game
¨  Mon 2/5/11 to Sun 5/6/11
¤  Create 10 years anniversary booklet
¨  Fri 1/7/11 to Fri 1/7/11
¤  Extra project

Task Allocation
¨  Reference research - Hin, Hung ,KinMan, Pui, Tung
¨  Collect the information - Pui
¨  Server Building - Pui
¨  Create Poster - Hin, KinMan
¨  Create Banner - KinMan
¨  Christmas E-Card - Hung
¨  Build Web site - Pui
¨  Build Web Manage System - Pui
¨  Q&A and Knowledge Scene - Hung
¨  Activities game design - Tung
¨  Volunteer Game - Pui
¨  Create 10 years anniversary booklet - Hin, Tung

Meeting Schedule
¨  Date: 24-09-2010 (Thursday)
¤  Time: 19:00
¤  Venue: BGCA Center
¤  Attend list: Tong Kam Pui, Liu Hin Tung, Yim Kon Hin, Lee Kam Hung, Leung King Man
¨  Date: 30-09-2010 (Thursday)
¤  Time: 19:00
¤  Venue: BGCA Center
¤  Attend list: Tong Kam Pui, Liu Hin Tung, Yim Kon Hin, Lee Kam Hung, Leung King Man
¨  Date: 7-10-2010 (Thursday)
¤  Time: 19:00
¤  Venue: BGCA Center
¤  Attend list: Tong Kam Pui, Liu Hin Tung, Yim Kon Hin, Lee Kam Hung, Leung King Man
¨  Date: 14-10-2010 (Thursday)
¤  Time: 19:00
¤  Venue: BGCA Center
¤  Attend list: Tong Kam Pui, Liu Hin Tung, Yim Kon Hin, Lee Kam Hung, Leung King Man
¨  Date: 21-10-2010 (Thursday)
¤  Time: 19:00
¤  Venue: BGCA Center
¤  Attend list: Tong Kam Pui, Liu Hin Tung, Yim Kon Hin, Leung King Man
¨  Date: 28-10-2010 (Thursday)
¤  Time: 19:00
¤  Venue: BGCA Center
¤  Attend list: Tong Kam Pui, Liu Hin Tung, Yim Kon Hin, Leung King Man
¨  Date: 2-12-2010 (Thursday)
¤  Time: 19:00
¤  Venue: BGCA Center
¤  Attend list: Tong Kam Pui, Liu Hin Tung, Yim Kon Him
¨  The next meeting on next two weeks.(16/12/2010)
¨  And the future meeting date:
¨  On December & January, we will create the E-card and Tenth Anniversary booklet.

Agenda & Minutes
¨  Date: 24-09-2010
¤  Self-introduction
¤  Cooperation objective
¤  Production projects
¤  Want to do other project
¤  Required information
¤  Date: 30-09-2010
¤  Setup server
¤  Flash game reference/demo research
¤  Poster reference/research/poster& font style
¨  Date: 7-10-2010
¤  Server testing
¤  Flash game reference
¤  Poster reference/research
¨  Date: 14-10-2010
¤  Flash game (Drag function)
¤  Create poster
¨  Date: 21-10-2010
¤  Flash game random question
¤  Poster not suitable for the guest style
¤  E-card design
¨  Date: 28-10-2010
¤  Flash game random method
¤  Poster version
¨  Date: 24-11-2010
¤  Flash game database & SQL & PHP
¤  Poster different elements
¨  Date: 2-12-2010
¤  Flash game random of question don’t repeat

